About Freckled Faith
Freckled Faith is one woman’s fumbling attempt at integrating the parts of herself that at first seem disconnected: faith, feminism, psychotherapy, writing, art. Blog posts run the range of these topics from faith-based opinions, issues of social justice and practicing psychotherapy to the every day life of one American woman. Freckled Faith is a kaleidoscope of this interwoven life.
About Jen
I am Jen, the writer behind Freckled Faith, and I am ever discovering the multiple facets of myself. I hope you are too!
Here are some of them:
For work – a psychotherapist in the city of Boston, MA. I focus primarily on youth in the Boston Public School system as I work for a local non-profit.
For play – an avid beginner gardener and sewer, arts and craftser, diy-ster, pinterest-obsesser, upcycler and cat lover
For family – married and deliciously happy
For dreaming – writing, writing, more writing! Teaching and speaking? A well loved house to call home.
For being – an agent of change, hope and healing for self and others.
And over it all, a follower of Jesus.