I want to roll my eyes every time words come out of my mouth that sound exactly like one of my parents. This time I sound like my Dad when my sister and I would complain about something not being “fair.” “Life’s not fair,” he would say, “Get over it.” Really Dad? Well, I still ...
It’s me and the cat and the soft red blanket of my bed. His warm body is curled to my left. His purring and the thrumming of his paws as they knead is a slow lullaby. All electronics are off. No news stories. No urgent text messages. No to-do lists. I roll to my side ...
In my last post, pre-election, I posed the question to my fellow Christians, “do we follow the same Jesus?” In the agony and self-reflection that ensued post-election, and after listening to this sermon from Pastor Mike in California, I am able to answer my own question. No, we do not follow the same Jesus. Many ...
I’ve tried to write this post half a dozen times. It keeps coming out all wrong. So I am done trying to sound pretty. Enough has been said on all positions in the political spectrum. I do not want to tell anyone how to vote and I do not want to try to convince someone ...
I’ve lost count how many times I’ve walked alongside someone on the edge of suicide. Clients. Friends. I talked about it last night. I talked about it this morning. In Massachusetts, death by suicide occurs at a rate 4.6x higher than that of homicide. It is the second leading cause of death among the ages ...
The weather is changing here in Boston. There is a slight nip in the morning air and sometimes I’m sure it actually smells different. I used to hate the change because it heralded a season of cold and darkness. I missed the beauty of it – how the leaves know what to do, how the ...
Across socioeconomic statuses and geographical lines, there is a widely held belief that grief or pain or sadness is best tucked away for private, solitary moments. Public tears ought to be shed quickly and quietly. Further still, is a social norm that equates the expression of sadness with a state of weakness (and weakness is ...
In my last post I shared a little about the connection that develops between client and therapist. You can re-read that post here. I have been a little hesitant to continue to share, as I am afraid it is too difficult to explain and may sound strange or unboundaried, and that that is somehow ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI9DvgMZIi8 There is the kind we feel for our family. The kind you feel for our friends. The kind of love we feel for our partner. And yet another for the love we have for beautiful things – nature, art, life. What about the kind of love that happens when you are a therapist? We’re ...