3 Years Later (Part 2)

28. January 2023 Uncategorized 0
We have got to get into a house. This was all I could think for the first and second trimester of my third pregnancy. There was no way I could manage a third floor walk up, two little children, an infant AND postpartum. But have you SEEN this market? (the year was 2021) and we ...

3 Years Later… (part 1)

Can we pretend this time jump was intentional? No? Okay.It’s been 3 years since I last published on this little blog. I am both the same and very, very different than I was at that last post. A month after the last thing I wrote here, the world shut down. We watched dead bodies by ...

Life Isn’t Fair

19. April 2017 Faith, Uncategorized 0
I want to roll my eyes every time words come out of my mouth that sound exactly like one of my parents. This time I sound like my Dad when my sister and I would complain about something not being “fair.”  “Life’s not fair,” he would say, “Get over it.” Really Dad? Well, I still ...

Political. And Personal.

I’ve tried to write this post half a dozen times. It keeps coming out all wrong. So I am done trying to sound pretty. Enough has been said on all positions in the political spectrum. I do not want to tell anyone how to vote and I do not want to try to convince someone ...